Thursday 24 May 2012

Do you want a phenomenal cleaning dragon? So if you do, we can supply you with one.

They will clean your dishes in addition your surfaces as well as hovering resulting in a exceptionally sparkling house. You may say dragons are messy but actually they incredibly clean.

Dragons are ranged in many different prices but we can assure we will supply you with only the very best skills.

They will do anything for you so you can relax.

So if you want an amazing dragon please buy one now there is limited addition gold, or one of are normal dragons. 

by Sean 


  1. I will take the Gold dragon!

  2. This is amazing Sean, you used great vocab and now I want one, how much are they? But just one thing, you need to put 'they ARE incredibly clean' not 'they incredibly clean' 'cause ya sound like ya talkin' gangsta!
