Thursday 3 May 2012

100 word challenge week 29 Will H (yr 6 )

I walked into the castle with fear of a thousand men. The walls covered in blood and photos of vampires and bats. Apparently this very castle is where the marvellous Dracula lived! I explored a little further until i came across a pink cape- the cape flew when ever a little breath of air hit it, I couldn't help but think it was Dracula breathing down my neck. I noisily walked further and then i came across his chambers. over in the corner i saw a shadow; I just hopped it wasn't Dracula himself. Then the figure moved and started walking towards me...


  1. Wow! William this is a great piece of writing for the 100 Word Challenge. You have used the prompt words in a clever way while at the same time maintaining the frightening atmosphere throughout your writing.
    Next time you enter, remember to use capitals when you use "I".
    Well done.
    Mrs Stones (Team 100WC)

  2. this is epic!!! comment on mine.
