Wednesday 26 February 2014

500 WC By Jack

saving the world

One cold, dull and stormy night, Mason lay still in his bed, his muscles felt unused and numb after a whole day in the lounge on the sofa watching TV. He had such a lazy day that the walk  to his bed felt like a mile. Even though Mason was extremely tired he could not get to sleep. knowing he had a basketball game tomorrow, his brain just would not shut down. Finally, he drifted off, not knowing what catastrophe would strike him when he woke up.

In the dream Mason was having he saw lots of visions of weird alien like creature. The creatures were oddly familiar to Mason but he didn't know where he had seen them but he had seen them before. At the end of the dream he saw a scary figure with the shape of a man.

When Mason woke up, he was relieved it was a dream and took five deep breathes and then nearly fainted as his house was in the middle of destruction. The walls were destroyed, the windows were broken and Mason was confused.

seeing the world destroyed made him remember the times of happiness. In his mind he saw a view of a massive luxurious field with patches of sludgy chocolate brown mud the field also had blossoming flowers of a huge variety he also saw a calm aqua blue pond that swallows all his daring enemies who tried to overcome his mighty power. But he realised that was the past and this was the present the land was filled with grey with smoke in the air with the colour of deep darkness and dirt flying through the air with the colour of architectural dig brown.  

Mason hesitated for a few seconds but then realised that if he did not escape he was going to die. So he ran as fast as Usain Bolt but just as he was about to go out the front door, his path was blocked by a piece of debris. He was so so scared that he started to feel nauseous and shortly after... he fainted.

when mason woke up he was in a alien prison on mars and at that moment he realised that mars was attacking his planet so that meant he was in the future.

eventually mason found a way out of the prison through a odious sewage pipe and ran into three people named Alfie, Joe and Alfred they had a stash of guns, a shotgun , a revolver ,a rifle , a sawn off shotgun and a sword .

“Who are you” asked Mason. The people did not give a word but on the wall there was a plan to blow up the bomb in the middle of the planet so they didn’t hesitate to go.

They climbed out of the sewage tunnel and ambushed the aliens. Tragically Joe got shot in the shoulder but he was alright.

They rushed to the core but there weapons were out of ammo so they had to use there katanas to slice the bomb. this was dangerous. KAPOW!!!

And he woke up in his own bed. This was extremely mysterious.    


  1. I really like how you described the character at the start it was funny and keep it going yeah mh yeah

  2. That was one of the best 500 word challenges I have ever read I loved it!

  3. really well described

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. very well done keep it up!

  6. nice description of guns

  7. nice descriptions

  8. Awesome 500wc. but it's not better than mine!!!

  9. i like the beginning because it got your attention straight away

  10. 10th comment!
