Wednesday 26 February 2014

Joe's 500 word challenge

Apocalyptic liberty city

My earliest memories are of me and my family leading a very happy life. It’s all gone now, I have no home and no family, I just wander where the world lets me.

We were all happy until it hit; families torn apart, my family. The risk’s you take are extreme. Many don’t give their name. When you go out for a food and supplies run with your group anything can happen. I saw my brother get relentlessly fed upon by ZOMBIES! I can never look at them the same way it sickens me; I despise them.

Recently I found a prison safe and secure. I found two people when I was cleaning the corpses out of cell block D, their names were Alfie and Jack. They had food but they were still strangers in this depleting universe. All of sudden Jack jumped up and tried to hit me over the head with a withered snapped-in-half cricket bat, I dodged it and hit him at such shocking speed and he fell to the floor dead as a doornail. As I said they’re all strangers.

Vehicles, so important for getting around: you want something strong and that will get through hordes. It
could even help to make a plough on the front from scrap metal. It is important if it stop’s for any reason get out and run, do not stop for anything; I learned that the hard way.

Zombies are attracted to noise. When I went out to get supplies with Alfie and he shot a harmless zombie crawling in the one field of luscious emerald grass causing  child zombies to crawl eerily out of the tunnels sprinting off the swings soon the roads filled up we were trapped.

Luckily we took the armoured truck that day and we made it back on the scarce fuel we had.

We had to pick zombies off the fence going for their head - that is the only part on a zombie that will affect them. It’s weird looking in their eyes again you almost believe they are still human. I’ve lost many people.

I lost my mother to the virus, praying and screaming into the night, stalking for its next victim. If anyone you know falls ill they would want you to put them out of their misery, so for their sake just do it if you love them.

The double tap rule. Me and Alfie made a rule to make sure we don't get hurt you have to, with any weapon, hit or shoot them twice because anything can happen.

Finally we found some resources: five sawed off shot guns and seven AK47’s, we really hit the jackpot when we bumped into the decaying baby-blue coloured shop, we got enough to feed us for weeks and now we know where to go for more food.

This is my story, this is what happens in my life. I am the last survivor, I am the ultimate; I am Joe.


  1. It is a really good story. Awesome!

  2. Good description!

  3. it takes a while to get into but overall it is a really great story

  4. but, it says in the rules you were not allowed personal info about yrself. eg. address but im sure that a name would be fine?????
