Wednesday 26 February 2014

on a hot summers day one little boy called Eric woke up but not in his bed, no no no because Eric woke up on intergalactc space station with 5 super heros standing right next to him, there was superman, the hulk, iron man, spiderman, and wolverine, all just staring at him, as if they were venturing into his brain waves, he thought. 'quick, stop' thinking about how wild they looked finally, hulk said something hhheeekkkfff i iron man shortly correctected him and he said "we brought you here to tempt you to a magitical super hero" yes finally people will think i'm cool, thought Eric.
First of all spiderman said you need a costume like mine, and we have the thing, say hello to the cool outfit. it was a hazelnut brown fur suit with a badger like mask to cover the identidy.
" Oh my god" that is so cool, he tried it on and the coon was born.

the next day the five superheros decided to teach the coons to climb buildings, so they dropped eric and  spiderman to   Norwich  so they could  climb the train station, but the force spider let him do that, he had to go threw a seais of smarter object to prepare the coon for the station.

but before spiderman could think of something to climb batman trned up in his nitros ingested bat rover with an insane body kit which gives it an evil stare like a serial killer. Spiderman and the coon both thought. with thread calapers and red sport badge it was amazing and ideal for the job.

so the coon decided to climb the bat rover sport, this didnt go well. Eric had no technique so he simply fell off. spiderman taught him a special techniqe to do it, he told him to dig his fingers and because he is a coon he has claws to help him even moreand finally he climbed it.the next thing the coon climbed was set up and it was a bus, but thanks to his new tecnique he easily concored the bus.

the last one before the train station and it was a lorry and on this one Eric learnt a new way of getting up nicely, you smash the window and stand on the dash then jump on the roof.

finally they got to climbing the trainstation for rhis aapplied the same method of climbing as the truck, so he smashed the bottom window and en jumped to a ledge on top of the window and he coped doing this untill the coon concored the trainstation challenge.

when they got back to the spacestation they thought he should be able to fly but obviously couldn't fly without any jet so ironman gave the coon some jet boots and gloves and he got the talent immediatly so that is how he became a super hero.


  1. I thought it was really interesting and cool also good story writing :p

  2. At the start you forgot a capital letter but over all it was good.

  3. that is really good but you forgot lots of Capital Letters

  4. :good description
    :good adjectives
    #capital letters at oppeners

  5. You forgot a post tital

  6. its soooo awesome

  7. very dramatic beggining
