Wednesday 7 May 2014

Olivia's 100WC

One summers day, when spring had arrived, Lucy (age 10) wondered, why are bees so small? For years Lucy was thinking about how peculiar the world is.

Years later, Lucy got a job as an animal scientist. she loved, meeting all kinds of different animals that she had never seen before.

One rainy day, there was a terrible accident when Lucy was experimenting on a poorly bee. The colorful chemicals exploded, as she knocked over the liquid nitro-don. The bee grew bigger and bigger, until it was the size as a classroom!

“I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!” Screamed Lucy.


What's the name of the main character?

Why did the bee get so big?

What size did the bee grow to?

What job did she get?

What was she thinking of all her life?