Thursday, 3 May 2012

Scott 105 word challenge

As I slowly walked through the icy cold marvellous woods, atempting to be as silent as a mouse coming into my eyesieght was a crumbling castle i screamed with sadness to see sadly was a body. I stepped to it hastaly thinking this could be a trap then he flew to its feet i turned but then a knife brushed past my face flowed by another one more until... My heart jumped out of my light pink skin noisily i bellowed "i am no part of your games" however i knew i was, i promissed my brother i will win the truth is i wont...



  1. OMG!! That's from the hunger games! I like it;Dx

  2. What happens if you don't win?... Nice cliff hanger.

    Remember to read it back before you post. I think you're missing a few words and the odd bit of punctuation.
