Thursday, 10 May 2012

James K 100wc week 30 description of a beach!

The cotton sand scorches under my frosty feet as I set up my towel.

Glistening patterns on the surreal sea shells, they bring memories of beloved moments, and then gobbled up by the mysterious ocean.

The Atlantic trickles down the sand like bitter tears. Its freezing shower spray splits my sensitive toes. Cyan waves thrash the battered pier, wafting the aroma of fried chips across my face.

Desolate deserted deck chairs buffet in the balmy breeze. The taught fabric reverberates like a drum beating the time to the oceanic orchestra.

I feel something is missing, “Now what do I need?”  


  1. Comment what do you think I'm missing?

  2. Brilliant work James, this is incredibly emotive. I thought something was missing as well. Are the 'desolate deserted deck chairs' a clue or is it something to do with the 'aroma of fried chips'.

    I'm going to have a think about it. I wonder if anyone else has an idea what James needs?

  3. Amazing! but (don't be offended)i've seen better

  4. Nice description James and don't be mean Sindy.>:o

  5. I thought you did a wonderful job. I like your descriptions and your metaphors/similies. I like your alliteration in the fourth paragraph. I don't know what you're missing, I'll have to think, too!
