Thursday, 27 February 2014

500 Words Challenge by Kacey

As Lauren woke, she saw a shadow. It disappeared into the darkness… She gasped. She knew she was not alone. There was an eerie noise in the woods ahead.

Nervously, she mumbled “Hello.” there was no reply. She got up. Step by frightening step, Laurens heart began to beat faster and faster. Who was there? What was there?

As night went on she kept walking, wondering what would happen to her. Knowing that she was not alone, she kept checking to see if anyone was there. Suddenly, she saw a vision of her mum. She knew she wasn’t there though. Her mum had died in a terrible fire five years ago.

Lauren peered around the corner of a building. She heard a scream. She looked. Nothing was there.

As she carried on walking, Lauren saw the old autumn trees, branches hanging down the sides. The whistled every time the wind blew. The young girl could see old, unwanted, forgotten cut down trees growing mould the longer they were left. Fungi everywhere.

Her deep blue eyes checked for people. She saw dead midnight mars flowers. The colour of the distant forest was deep darkness and misty skies. Lauren kept hoping to see garden green grass and granny smith leaves on trees. There was none of that. Pitch black skies looking more empty than ever.

She thought she was dreaming, but she was not.

Suddenly, everything from her bedroom, all her friends and family appeared in the sky.

She started running. At this moment in time, her heart was beating faster than lightning. “GO AWAY! Go away! STOP IT! Stop it!” she screamed, hoping it would stop. Then, she tripped.

She fell over and knocked her self unconscious.

After one hour, she woke up. Lying next to her was a lake. She stood up and peered into the lake. She did not see her reflection though, she saw a spirit.

“You are in trouble little girl. Soon there will be a flood and you will be the victim…

It disappeared into the water. She blinked. The water swayed elegantly side to side like a happy couple slow dancing together. Then, to her surprise, the tempestuous water became angry. The waves were furiously raging at the poor, innocent girl.

The water suddenly rushed out of the pond. It forced Lauren to go flying around in a scary, unknown place.

“AARRGGHH!” she screamed as the wild waves pulled her everywhere. Two and a half intense, frightful hours went by until it stopped.

As the sun rose, she listened for voices. She thought she heard her friend’s voice. Lauren looked around for her. To her surprise, she was there. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her.

When she reached her friend, she screamed “Kacey! Kacey! Hello! I’m so glad to see you!”

There was no reply. Kacey kept walking.

Lauren burst into tears. She thought to herself, “Will I ever be free?”

Time was stopped. She was stuck forever and ever after.


  1. Very nice I like your style of writing

  2. Where was she stuck forever?


  4. hi kacey
    good adjectives
    i like how you put in fungi because that was are old topic

  5. very good and very long

  6. cool proper story. i didn't know what to say

  7. very good and long

  8. Good style of writing awesome and BRILL!!!!!

  9. really good i loved your description!

  10. gb (good blog)hj

  11. I LOVE IT.
    *your writing flows
    -better plot
