Friday, 14 March 2014

100 word challenge;The story of a killer bin.

Reshelle an average girl with a very average background,she had a tacky old cat;a nattering mum , the sort of mum that takes ten minutes to say goodbye when round the neighbors house which you  hate ; and , a dad who thinks he knows everything .

While at school, she had to sit through a calculator test with no calculator.she didn't bother to do the test , she was quite a obstinate girl  with no desire to change her point of view.

when she got home she went to put a wrapper in the bin, but when she lifted the lid a dead cat layed there.  


  1. I really like the description and plot lines you develop in this shot piece of writing. I would like to see you pay close attention to setting out though. It seems a really minor thing, but it does affect the readers attention when reading.

  2. i liked the description though maybe not enough of the actual plot

  3. very good and i liked the description

  4. its really good and there is a lot big words....:)

    childish :)

  5. that is a really good peice of writing

  6. Mrs LeDrew (100 WC Team)27 March 2014 at 10:01

    I like the way you started your story. I think that your ending could have tied in a little bit better with the beginning.

  7. Very Advanced Adjectives And Good Use Of Subordinate Clauses

  8. fantastic sabordanate clauses

  9. that was awesome!
