Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Penguins construction work

In this wicked writing week ( Brundall primary school have been celebrating literacy and the penguins have jumped right in so they can show of their amazing skills.

Penguins started the week receiving a letter from the three little pigs asking for help. The penguins class took the task joyfully. They firstly wrote a warning to mind out for the big bad wolf using ambitious vocabulary and detailed pictures.

Also they manufactured masks and wrote speech bubbles afterwards. On the next day the exited Penguins went outside and are now ,with the help of a special builder, making a luxurious house for the exited piggys: it will be wolf proof, have a waterproof roof and will be made by them.

Hopefully,  the brilliant children will write a creative to the three little pigs explaining how their new house has turned out.

On the day of the construction the exited class all loved the esteemed experience. One person exclaimed
"I had loads of fun!" They all really enjoyed the time. Finally the exquisite den was co
mplete. This is one of the many exiting exhilarating peaces of wicked work for the wicked writing week!

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