Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The Giant Bee Apocalypse

On a day where there was no movement across the fields, a bee appeared out of nowhere.
It was no normal bee it was a huge, massive bee heading straight for a harmless town called Blofield. Meanwhile the bee headed for the town, more and more huge bees furiously shot to the unlucky town at lightning bolt speed. Two scientists were walking near all the bees.BOOM! A huge bee stumbled into the ground knocking it out instantly. The scientists rushed over to investigate the beast. Only minutes of checking it out they realized it was a giant bee. And there was many of them.


1. Did the bees die or faint?
2. where were the bees going?
3.What was the creature?Tick one
Giant Bee

Giant Bird
4. Did it go for Blofield or Brundall?
5.How did the scientists feel about the fallen bee?


  1. FIRST COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I Like The Description Of The Bumble Bee
