Thursday, 14 February 2013

It was pancake day

It was Pancake Day; I was smiling at the sight of Mum cooking the sugary goodness of pancakes!
Mum flipped the pancake up but...

A hole in our ceiling caught it and closed again! I ran up stairs to see it but nothing, completely empty suddenly I was looking at something very strange. Standing in the door way at the end of the hall, a Leprechaun! He wore green all over and holding my pancake! I dived, he swerved, he didn’t want to give it back! Finally I dived again and caught it. The Leprechaun shouted at me then vanished. I shrugged and walked down stairs!

By Bryony


  1. What an exciting Pancake Day and what a cheeky Leprechaun! you have used lots of descriptive words here Bryony and it helps me imagine the scene. Well done.

  2. Wow, what a perculiar thing to happen to your pancake! I wonder where the leprechaun came from, and then disappeared to? I am glad you got your pancake back though - filled with its sugary goodness!!

  3. that is a bit unusual Bryony but still it is pretty cool.
