Sunday, 29 April 2012

Week 28 Jazmin A Brundall (Year 6)

Tiny glisening eyes glaring constantly in the glowing moonlight
Her michevious daring smile repeatingly getting wider
Mysterious her personality is timid and intriging
Shes original and likes to be unique
Her vibrant style makes everyone feel brighter
Elegently she freely flys around
Her swirling tail curls around perfectly
Her revloting smell follows where ever she goes
She has a gentle heart and is always kind as well as polite
However Pigzee has a blazing temper so watch out 
Her delicate pale pink skin is usually dark chocolate brown
She cherishes everyone around her and appreciates everything they do for her

Friday, 27 April 2012

Pick of the Week

Have a look at some of the best post this week. Why not tell them what you think of their recent posts in a comment.

Megan has written beautifully about her trip in the holidays. There's also more to come soon so keep a look out for updates:

Read Chloe's excellent blog about her experiences in gymnastics:

Jack has written a piece on a recent FA Cup game

Harvey made a start growing his seed. Find out how he got on.

Kettley wants to tell the world about various countries on his blog. Find out who he's chatting about this week.

James also wrote some excellent tips on Netiquette

Week 28 - Rio P - Brundall (Year 6)

Remarkably this meagre bear possesses something special. Its as cool as a cucumber and quick as a jet; it can only be the Guineabear…

Despite it’s size, it thrives on the most dangerous members of the animal kingdom. Powerful weapons help claim victory against the worst fearsome foes.

By day this cute, huggable bear attracts adoration. Nocturnally it’s a different story: guns come out and laser vision on, the adorableness vanishes. When agitated he unleashes a tornado of fire upon his victims with the fury of a mongoose.

As day breaks, the zoo finds the loveable Guineabear returned to normal.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Wheat Seed

Sadly my dad has knocked over my pot and emptied it while gardening so I am not able to blog about the germination of the seed.